The 5th JAMHESIC 2024
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are proud to present that Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universitas Jambi is going to organize The 5th Jambi Medicine and Health Science International Conference (JAMHESIC) will be conducted as a hybrid conference from 14th – 15th November 2024. The theme of The 5th JAMHESIC around “Leading The Change : Exploring Innovative Digital Health and Interprofessional Education (IPE) Strategies for Global Health”.
November 14-15 @Swiss-Belhotel Jambi
Our Event Program Starts In :
Why Attend Our Conference
That sounds like a great opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers, independent scholars, and practitioners to share their research findings.
The conference provide invaluable insight to our audience and great opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturers, independent scholars, and practitioners to share their research findings to advance the fields of medical sciences, administration and health policy, health promotion and behavior, industrial and organizational psychology, nursing, pharmaceutical chemistry, digital health, and interprofessional education in medicine and health sciences. Your presence promises to make this event not only educational but also a memorable experience for all participants. We hope your time in The 5th JAMHESIC will be both enjoyable and rewarding. Once again, welcome, and thank you for being part of this important conference.
Research Scopes
- Medical Sciences
- Administration and health policy, epidemiology, reproductive health, health environtment, health behavior and promotion, occupational health, nutrition.
- Industrial and organizational psychology, psychometry, Social and Community Psychology, Educational Psychology, and entrepreneurship psychology.
- Community nursing, Emergency and Disaster Nursing, mental health nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, management nursing, critical nursing, and surgical medical nursing.
- Pharmaceutal chemistry, pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical biology, pharmaceutical technology.
- Interprofessional education in medicine and health sciences
- Digital Health
- Interprofessional Education (IPE) in health